Saturday, June 30, 2012


I’m learning as I grow older that intelligence comes from experience. You may think it is found in literature or mathematics, but those are just glimpses of a bigger picture. Intelligence is found in trial and error. A book, for instance, may be rewritten several times before it is published and sent out to print. The same can be said for the laws of science. Scientists conduct experiments to test theories. Cancer, a villain of humanity, may be fatal but someday we will discover a cure. I call that intelligence at it’s finest. You see, intelligence cannot be achieved over night. Remember the saying “if at first you don’t succeed, try try again”? Although we may cram and drill ourselves on information to simply recall for one single test, intelligence calls for time. Time to test, to fail and to learn from those failures. It calls for growth and perseverance. Intelligence is not based on how well you score, but on the maturity of the individual. Being able to acknowledge mistakes that you’ve made in your life, and not making the same ones. Sharing those truths about what you’ve learned with someone else to possibly lighten their load. Experience. One day I hope to become a well seasoned writer, but before I begin to consider myself amongst the likes of many I look forward enduring more seasons. Good and bad. There will be many more lessons to learn. I hope one day to travel the world, so I can understand culture and share the similarities between us.. mankind that is. We’re more alike than we think. Intelligence. I think it comes with age. I’m far off… but closer everyday. However, an intelligent being knows that learning never ends and is thrilled by the very thought of it. May life never be dull.

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts here!
    I don't know if you don't have your Followers gadget up yet or if it's simply a problem on my end, but let me know so I can follow you. Keep on with your writing!
